
Performance Training Division
Our Performance Training Track Division classes are for dancers that are looking to call The Dancer Project their home dance studio for dance training. This is open to dancers ages 1 - 18. This division includes 'My Grown up and Me', Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet classes and then is broken up into two subdivisions the "Lower Level Division" (Levels 1-3) and the "Upper Level Division" (Levels 4-6).
What the Performance Training Track Division offers is a structured schedule for dancers wanting to learn dance techniques that could take them beyond high school and into a professional career.
The Performance Training Track Division is a two semester track series.
With the Performance Training Division, dancers have the opportunity to train at a pre-professional level and perform in two productions a year.
There are even more performance opportunities our Youth Ensemble Program.
We would love for you to join our community and to make The Dancer Project your home.
Signing up for this program is a 10 month commitment (August-May). If you sign on in January it will be a five month commitment.
Signing up for the Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet classes, you are signing on PER SEMESTER.
There is a nonrefundable $100 Registration fee which covers administration fees, performance fees, and costume cleaning for two shows series.
To be fully registered you will be required to auto-pay which will run tuition each month.
Class placement is at the sole discretion of the artistic staff of The Dancer Project.
If the class you register for is full, you will be added to our waitlist and informed via email of this status.
Classes & Descriptions
"My Grown Up and Me"
This class meets the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. You register per month (2 classes) at a time. This movement class is for ages 12-24+ months (ages 3 begin in our creative movement Saturday classes). These classes are fun and upbeat where a young child and parent, grandparent, relative, or other special caregiver engage in a variety of music and movement activities together and facilitate a unique bonding experience! Caregivers will assist their little in activities that encourage the use of gross motor skills such as walking in patterns or around classroom obstacles, crawling through tunnels, working together with a colorful parachute, sensory ball pit time, use of scarves and dance props, learn tempo with fun instruments, or hopping into hula hoops. with your assistance, Little ones will practice turn taking, listening skills, and will become acclimated to the structure of a dance class that will lead into our training division classes and performances.
​Creative Movement
Ages 3 & 4
Creative Movement Classes offer an introduction to the work of movement. The dancers learn different styles of dance, musicality, rhythm, and creative imagery to help with their development and coordination, all the while learning the joy of what dance has to offer! Each class will help the dancers explore movement and find their own unique self-expression through the various dance styles while also learning awareness in space, how to work in a group, disciplined individual work, how to follow directions, and respect for oneself and others. These are all skills that can translate to everyday life, even for the little ones. Each class will have a piece for students to perform in the 'The Nutcracker' & 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform.
Ages 4-6
Pre-Ballet classes begin looking to explore the different concepts of grace, line, posture, and stretch in a manner that they will still find enjoyable as an extension of creative movement. They will continue learning musicality, rhythm, self-awareness in space, how to work in a group, disciplined individual work, how to follow directions, and respect for oneself and others, while beginning to learn basic steps of ballet, terminology, barre' technique, and traveling across the floor with movement. Although Pre-Ballet is the beginning of more structured work compared to creative movement, students will still be learning the love of movement and the joy that comes with it. Each class will have a piece for students to perform in the 'The Nutcracker' & 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform.
Lower Level Division
The Lower Level Division classes consist of Levels 1, 2, & 3 and is where formal dance training begins. Specific class descriptions are listed below.
​Level 1
Ages 6 & 7
Level 1 begins more structured classes, the young dancers start the process of building solid foundations for their personal growth and development of their own individual artistry, which prepares them for performance training. Classes offered are ballet. Each class will have a piece for students to perform in the 'The Nutcracker' & 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform.
​ Level 2
Approximate Ages 6-8
Similar to Level 1, dancers in Level 2 have more structured classes which continue improvement on their foundations built, but begin adding more challenging movements to each style, all the while developing core strength, individual artistry, and continued performance training. Classes offered are ballet and contemporary. Level 2 meets twice a week. Each class will have a piece for students to perform in the 'The Nutcracker' & 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform.
​Level 3
Approximate Ages 8-10
Must be selected by Artistic Director Jennifer Foster-Drake for this level via returning promoted student, drop in class, or audition)
Level 3 classes begin to dive into more complex steps and musicality while still building upon a solid foundation from prior level curriculum along with strength building, continued artistic growth, and performance training. Classes offered are ballet, pre-pointe, and contemporary. Level 3 meets three times a week. Each class will have a piece for students to perform in the 'The Nutcracker' & 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform.
Upper Level Division
The Upper Level Division classes consist of Level 4 & Level 5. Similar to level 3, classes begin to dive into more complex steps and musicality while still building upon a solid foundation from prior level curriculums along with strength training, continued artistic growth, and performance training. Some class times may be longer than the prior year's classes. Pointe classes continue developing strength training.
​Level 4
Approximate Ages 10+
Must be selected by Artistic Director Jennifer Foster-Drake for this level via returning promoted student, drop in class, or audition based on skill level.
Level 4 classes offered are ballet, pre-pointe/pointe technique, and contemporary. One day a week these dancers will be taking with the advanced level 5 class. Level 4 dancers may become eligible for pointe shoes. Level 4 meets 3 times a week.
Level 5
Approximate Ages 13+
Must be selected by Artistic Director Jennifer Foster-Drake for this level via returning promoted student, drop in class, or audition based on skill level.
 Classes offered are ballet, pointe, and Contemporary. Level 5 dancers meet 3 times a week and have 4 add on class options they may add to the level 5 schedule including, 1 extra technique class en pointe, the Pilates Mat class, the pointe center class, and/or the variations class. This is the level for advanced students who are serious about their craft and training.
Level 6
Approximate Ages 13+
Must be selected by Artistic Director Jennifer Foster-Drake for this level via returning promoted student, drop in class, or audition based on skill level.
Level 6 is our pre-professional training program. Classes offered are ballet, pointe, variations, pilates mat class,, partnering, and contemporary. This is the level for advanced students who are serious about their craft and training. Level 6 has 6 classes a week with the option to add on one lower level technique class en pointe.
Each class within the Upper Level Division, with the possible exception of pointe and variations, will have a piece for students to perform in the 'Spring Conservatory Performance Series' allowing students the opportunity to perform on stage.